Lovely storytelling Jane. Those pictures are beautiful, hopefully one day I’ll get to visit you and Aly in that gorgeous place.

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Thank you for sharing this story with us, the pictures make me feel like I am there with you, remembering all the roads and mountains in Tuchan. The way you make the bike come to life is done so perfectly. Again your writing keep you going, makes you laugh and tells a great story

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Thank you I absolutely felt I was there with you.A very comprehensive description of your beautiful journey.The pictures are splendid and I can taste the ripe figs as I was reading.Look forward to next part.xx

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thank you Lois, I had such fun writing it, and giggling about it. Mercix

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You breath life into words. You breath life into objects. You breath life into your stories. Your breath is life!

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Thank you Aly - As always, you come along too, the next one, the trip to Iran!!!

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Ah, my sweet Pascale, it would be such a pleasure to have you with us, once again. You will, I know

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