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There are two reasons to subscribe to Soap&Sagas. Firstly, it makes me so happy to know that you enjoy my writing enough to want to subscribe to it. This gives me energy and mojo. Also, by subscribing, you get the newsletter directly to your email, this is also great as it takes away a lot of the stress out of getting it out there to a wider audience.

So, thank you so much for encouraging me and joining me on this journey.

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Subscribe to Soaps & Sagas - Travelogue

Each day is a new adventure from which a story waits to be told ...This collection of creative non-fiction takes you on different journeys, about people and moments that inspire and touch my soul


Traveller in old sense, hitching, walking and talking...Documentary filmmaker, storyteller and teacher @ Qingdao Film Academy China. (Remotely). Adult Education UK and other fun places!