Continued from Part 2
Portrait of Laura: Annie Sène
Summer moves slowly in Lewiston. A beautiful time of the year. Laura cannot visit Montreal as she hopes, ill health keeps her in Lewiston; however, she spends time with her sister and friends, walking out and visiting their favourite parlour, the Ross Inn.
Baptiste is erratic in his correspondence. He occupies Laura’s thoughts more and more.
Bates Journal, 1906 - Lewiston
Then he writes. It appears, from Laura’s reply to him, he finally plucks up the courage to ask her age.
Mr, j'ai reçu votre perroquet qui me plait beaucoup. Je vous dirai mon âge très volontiers à condition que vous me disiez le votre sans faire de "bluff". J'ai 19 printemps bien comptés. Je crois que vous êtes plus jeune que moi. Serait-ce possible? par exemple on me dit que je suis de caractère jeune; de quinze ou 16 ans à peu près. Aimez vous ma fillette. son sourire resemble au mien quand je pense a vous.
Au revoir ami
Mr, I received your parrot (card), which I like very much. I will tell you my age with great pleasure, provided you tell me yours without "bluffing". I have 19 springs, (well counted.) I think you are younger than me. Could it be possible? I am told I am young in character; about fifteen or sixteen years old. Don’t you love my little girl? Her smile is like mine when I think of you.
Goodbye friend
Still unknown,
Alvaro Pacheco Collection
Laura becomes less shy to ask Baptiste for his photo
25th August 1906
Mr, j'ai reçu votre jolie carte. Vous avez vraiment retardé. Je pensais que vous aviez discontinué de peur de m'envoyer votre photo; ou bien je pensais de la recevoir en même temps que votre carte. J'espère vous relire bientôt. Vous êtes pardonné!!! Dans l'attente du plaisir de vous relire je vous salue cordiallement. Laura
Je m'attends recevoir votre photo avec la prochaine carte.
Mr, I got your nice card. You're really late. I thought you'd stopped for fear of sending me your picture; or I thought I'd get it along with your card. I hope to get news again soon. You are forgiven. While waiting for your next post.
Cordially, Laura
I expect to receive your picture with the next card.
Alvaro Pacheco Collection
September 1906
Laura still does not receive a photo from Batiste.
Luckily other late summer events are taking Laura’s mind off her cards, momentarily.
The balloon exhibitions are travelling around the northern states. The famous tragedy which struck an East Londoner, Lily Cove, on the 11th June 1906 made its headlines across the ocean, but this did not stop many amateurs take up the craze, to feel the freedom of flying like a bird.
Lily died and the day of her funeral, 14th July 1906, The Dangerous Flying Act was passed in the English Parliament.
September 5th 1906
Lewiston, holds its parachute jump. People chat in hushed voices, remembering Lily Cove, but are excited as they watch the balloon ascend. Laura and her sister push ahead of the crowd. The parachutists prepare to jump, and below, a band begins to play as they release their parachute lines. There is a gasp which ripples around the fair ground as the rope to their trapeze snaps and they fall like frightened birds into the crowd.
And the band plays on . . .
Public Domain - Balloon Exhibition, US. 1906
Laura buys a new series at the fair to send to Baptiste. She pretends they are not very pretty - tongue-in-cheek - as they obviously keep her fires going …
Je suis à chercher une série qui vous plaira plus que celle-ci; car c'est mon désir de vous plaire. je n'en ai pas encore trouvé. Que c'est dommage de rester dans une ville si pauvre
Aurevoir Amoureux
Tendres amitiés
I am looking for a series that will please you more than this one; as it’s my desire to please you. I have not yet found one. What a pity it is to stay in such a drab town . . .
Goodbye Lovers
Tender regards, Laura
Alvaro Pacheco Collection
J'ai bien hâte de recevoir la prochaine carte de votre série.
Elle me parait tellement belle.
Aurevoir ami
A bientôt,
Moi, j'aime mieux leur amour que les cartes.
J'espère que vous comprendrez l'anglais; car les poésies sont très jolies.
I look forward to receiving the next card in your series.
She looks so beautiful to me.
Goodbye friend
I'll see you soon,
Me. I like their love, better than cards.
I wish you could understand English; for the poems are very pretty.
Alvaro Pacheco Collection
Mr, j'ai reçu votre chère postaline, qui me plaît de plus en plus. S'il vous semble que vs. vous promenez avec moi sur votre série, imaginez vs. donc si c'étaient nous comme sur cette carte?
Bien à toi,
Je suis pressée ….Si vous ne répondez pas plus vite à mes cartes je me fâche.
Mr, I've received your cherished delivery, which I like more and more. Does it seem to you that you're the one walking, in the series, along with me, so imagine that’s us, as they are on this card?
Sincerely yours,
I'm in a hurry . . . If you don't answer my cards faster, I'll get angry.
Alvaro Pacheco Collection
By 1907
Laura still does not have Baptiste’s photo. Yet the cards still arrive, series, single cards, get well cards, greeting cards, erratically. Si vous voulez me connaître envoyez-moi votre photo. Je vous enverrai la mienne si cela est votre désir. Je vous crois bien aimable. Accepter vous des baisers par la malle? Laura Lavoie. If you want to know me, send me your picture. I'll send you mine if you want me to. I think you're very kind. Do you accept kisses that are all packed up and posted?
Laura Lavoie.
Alvaro Pacheco Collection
Mr, j'ai reçu vos superbes cartes. J'en suis tout à fait satisfaite. Cette fillette sur ma carte vous porte mes meilleurs souhaits d'heureuse Pâques. Puissent-ils vous être agréables. Vous espérez que je sois aussi garé, que la jeune fille sur votre carte, bien oui, je suis toujours gai, moi. Je n'ai jamais vu des jours tristes. Peut-être l'avenir m'en réserve-t-elle de bien sombres. J'espère que non, et vous? Vous rappelez-vous la fois que vous m'aviez dit de ne plus parler de photographie? moi je m'en rappelle; et j'espère mettre ces paroles en pratique. Au plaisir de vous lire, ami, a bientôt,. Sans rancune. Une inconnue, Laura.
Mr, I got your great cards. I'm really pleased with them. That little girl on my card brings you my best wishes for a happy Easter. May they be pleasing to you. You hope that I'm as contented as the young girl on your card. Well yes, I'm always cheerful. I've never seen a sad day. Perhaps the future will bring me some dark ones. I hope not. Do you? Do you remember the time you told me not to talk about photography* any more? I do; and I hope to put those words into practice. I look forward to hearing from you, friend, see you soon.
No hard feelings. A stranger, Laura.
(*About wanting his photograph)
Then silence
What Baptiste says to Laura we will never know. The next card Laura writes has a different tone. It does appear that Laura did send Baptiste a photo of herself, a group photo taken of a concert where she had performed. It is a strange reply, confusing, but then Laura is young, is innocent and awkward in front of this feeling that is bringing her to question herself as well as Baptiste. The reply is stiff, contradictory, then so childish and hopeful.
Alvaro Pacheco Collection
Mr, j'ai reçu votre dernière carte avec surprise. Bonne ou mauvaise. Je ne m'ettendais pas cette réponse. Je pensais que vous aviez discontinué de correspondre. Je pensais également qu'en voyant ma si vilaine figure dans le programme vous ne vouliez voir d'avantage, sur une carte postale. Je crois bien vous dû être disappointé, car vs. n'étiez pas sans vs. attendre d'avoir une si bien belle fillepour correspondre avec vs. Etes-vous bien sûr que vous désirez ma photo, dans votre album? Si oui je vous l'enverrai avec plaisir. Sinon tachez de me rendre réponse le plutôt possible (avant deux semaines) afin de me faire croire si oui ou non, vous le désirez. Vous savez je veux êre bien franche.Je sais que les conditions étaient: l'échange. Mais j'ai peur que vous n'amiez pas la mienne autant que j'aime la votre.( votre photo)
En attendant une aimable réponse bien vite. je pense sincèrement à vous…. Parce que j'aime vos cartes. Ce sont des fantaisies que vous m'enverrez bientôt, ....
Me pardonnez vous l'absence de correspondance?
L. E. Lavoie, Lewiston,
Je ne suis pas amoureuse, moi. Je suis trop jeune . . .
Mr, I received your last card as a surprise. Good or bad. I didn't expect that answer. I thought you'd discontinued our correspondence. I also thought that seeing my awful face in the program you didn't want to see me any more, on a postcard.* (it was the fashion to have your photo put onto a card.)
I think you must have been disappointed because you were waiting to have a beautiful girl to correspond with. Are you really sure you want my picture in your scrapbook? If so, I would be happy to send it to you. If not, try to give me an answer as soon as possible (before two weeks) to make me believe whether or not you want it. You know, I want to be very frank, I know that the conditions were: an exchange. But I'm afraid you don't like mine as much as I like yours.*
I look forward to a kind reply soon. I'm thinking of you.
Laura E. Lavoie. Because I like your cards. They're fancy ones that you'll send me soon.
Do you forgive me for the lack of correspondence?
I am not in love, I’m too young.
L.E. Lavoie, Lewiston.
*Her photo
Days bounce by
Bates Journel - Lewsiton, August, 1906
Laura really wants to send her own photo portrait to Baptiste. One taken by a professional. It is this idea that keeps her walking to Harry Plummer’s studio on 51 Howe, Lewiston, then away again, without entering.
Plummer’s portraits are expensive, but the talk of Lewiston. He imitates William Notman the famous Montreal photographer, whose work is regularly appearing in The Philadelphia Photographer. But Laura hesitates. Laura has been unwell again, maybe she should wait. So once more plunges into her card collection. (This information is taken from another card which suggests her health is fragile.)
Laura chooses
a card which is a one off. Is she playing Baptiste at his own game of waiting?
Alvaro Pacheco Collection
Mr, j'ai reçu votre dernière série de carte. Je regrette beaucoup de vous avoir tant impatienté. Mais je vous assure que ce n'est pas de ma faute. Pour commencer ma première carte était toute écrite et n'ayant pas pu me procurer de timbres dans le temps je l'avais mise de côté dans le dessein de vous l'envoyer dans 2 or 3 jrs après; mais ensuite je vous ai oublié; j'étais certaine que je vous l'avais envoyé. Depuis ce temps ce n'est qu'aujourd'hui que j'ai pu avoir le temps de vous faire plaisir je crois; j'ai été dans les noces et il y a eu beaucoup d'ouvrage a faire, moi qui est si habile dans tout!il m'a bien fallu aider un peu, n'est-ce pas? J'espère qu'il ne se fera de noce de sitôt, pour vous plaire.
Dans la Chaloupe: revenez bien vite, j'ai hâte. Je ne suis pas "pirate " du tout mon cher pour vous abandonner ainsi, ça serait trop triste.
Mr, I received your last set of cards. I'm very sorry to have made you so impatient. But I assure you it is not my fault. To begin with, my first card was all written out and, not having been able to obtain stamps in time, I had put it aside with the intention of sending it to you in two or three days; but then I forgot about you; I was certain that I had sent it to you. Since then, it is only today that I have had time to send you something you’ll like, I think. I was at the wedding and there was a lot of work to do. I, who am so skilful in everything! I had to help a little, didn't I?
I hope there won't be a wedding anytime soon! (Not quite sure what Laura refers to here)
Laura writes on the rowing boat: come back soon, I can't wait. I'm not a "pirate”, my dear, to leave you like that, it would be too sad.
Laura cannot help it,
she sends another, the card she has saved, the fourth of the series she had sent in the summer after the balloon affair. She knows it is perilous. This one simply says: N’est pas que ça l’air bon? Does’t this look good?
Alvaro Pacheco Collection
So Laura waits, waits for Baptist’s reply and photograph as the days roll into autumn.
Thank you for passing by
Next week I’ll conclude the story of Laura and Baptiste. It has a real twist, so please stay around.
Have a great weekend,
Love on ya,
Please write you comments here - It is always lovely to read what you say.
Spmetimes in the translation I am not sure either, she flits with ideas and words. You might be right. Thanks for the comment. Jx
I hope there won't be a wedding anytime soon! (Not quite sure what Laura refers to here)...She might be referring to the fact she had to help out at the last wedding and doesn't want to have to help out at another one in the near future?