How can you rewrite your life story?
Scrapbooking and documentary filmmaking using divinatory tools
For those of you who are interested in divination this newsletter might interest you and is a bit different from my other Substack
Dear guided friends
A question I’ve been contemplating recently is, “What is divination?”
We call it by different names, depending on our understanding and personal experience.
It’s listening to the quiet voice within that leads us in the right direction.
It’s attuning to the eternal part of ourselves that guides us onto our correct path.
It’s figuring out, through signs and symbols, what we need to focus on now.
We each have far more than 100 questions we could ask our angels and guides, if we only knew we’d get reliable, clear answers.
In “You Are Guided to Divine,” you’ll learn:
how to differentiate the inner voice from the ego
how to download your own divine guidance
how to manifest the life you desire
We are building a worldwide network of women healers who follow our divine guidance.
In addition to my work, please follow the other series teachers on social media so you can see even more materials and learn a variety of ways to practice.
I hope you’ll find them as fascinating as I do!
Here’s the link to the interview series:
I was recently invited by spiritual mentor and author Shannon Walbran to contribute my own knowledge to a masterclass series on divination, called You Are Guided to Divine.
I am pleased to be teaching among a gifted group of international teachers on these important personal topics. I’m joined by gifted women from different countries who are also digging deep and sharing their "rules, tools, and jewels" of divination.
For example:
Havilah Malone in California, USA, takes us through a live demo of a Neuro Linguistic Programming hypnosis journey.
Elif Köse, based in both Turkey and the U.K., shares a cultural gem with us: reading a Turkish coffee cup to discern the best course of action.
Arpita Thakkar, in Mumbai, India, leads us through an Automatic Writing exercise to tap into the wisdom of our Akashic Records.
Each teacher tells authentic anecdotes about her own challenging times and how she overcame them.
There’s non-stop inspiration throughout this series!
My part in the series is to teach specifically about Scrapbooking your Soul Desire where you will learn a narrative structure and channel your inner artist using a hands-on scrapbooking method.
Come join me as we explore!
By signing up, you’ll be able to download a whole list of free gifts from each speaker.
I really loved my conversation with Shannon, she was able to get me speaking from my heart. You’ll be able to tell that when you listen to our interview. For me, this was the first time I speak about how I use my divinity tools when I teach.
Sign up for free, and you’ll receive one interview per day for the duration of the masterclass series:
I look forward to your feedback!
For those of you who are interested, please email me about what you thought, and tell me your favourite takeaway so I can design even more content based on your needs and areas of growth as this is a space I am going to grow in a separate Substack
Have a fantastic week. Be well